.:: welcome :: still and will always be underconstruction ::.
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.:: what he has to say

syaf And I quote "Life is god's gift to us. So keep it, enjoy but don't forget - be thankful."
Orientation is over but I'm still busy. Dammit, i just wanna get away from work as soon as possible. I need to get myself into my books!! A levels coming soon! Oh I wrote an article for Borneo Bulletin Newspaper for this week. It should be out today. Check it out!! I wrote something about Euthanasia and the guys in Borneo Bulletin liked it! I was gonna join a gathering that is held today but I kind of needed the rest so i stayed in bed. I'm feeling better today coz I had enough sleep. Just woke up for your information. Oh plus my family's moving soon to a bigger and better house. Ahh.. now I get to have my own room... privacy atlast! I'll try to get a picture of my new house and post it up in my picture page. I've been dealing with my school's website lately, the orientation page. Click on Maktab Duli in one of the links below to check it out. Oh plus I've changed my desktop. See 'my desktop' to check it out. Anyway, not much changes lately. Haven't been dealing much with my website. Oh do check out my bestfriend's website that I designed. The link is below, it's called merqrean zone. Ah i almost forgot, I added a debate corner. It's like a forum page. You post up your views and stuffs. At the moment one topic is available. This is a must for you all!! Please go there. So that's it for now. Enough blabbering. Thanks for visiting my site and if ur a regular thanks again!! I really appreciate your support. Enjoy and have a nice day!

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